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 stooges 2009 prospects?

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Half Alive Incubator Baby

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PostSubject: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 9:25 pm

does any here NOT anticipate a respectable tour (much like 2008--but with more US dates)for 2009?

tie-in the 40th anniverdsary thing?

what do you think? especially those of you "connected"...
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 10, 2008 11:36 pm

i think the start of 2009 might be a bit quiet, some gigs here adn there as usual, but recording and mixing etc the album

then promotion hopefullly, album out around may then big summer tour, etc

probly somethin like that

maybe something to do with the 40th anniversary (like the RnR HOF?) but i'd doubt it

i'm not connected, but thats how i could imagine it

and the rest of this year for recuperation and writing maybe nad the odd gig
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 10:20 am

It would be good if they just got the new album out next year jimmyo Smile Haven't the faintest idea what they might or might not do though, I'm certainly not one of those with any inside info!
don't know if they'd really go in for any anniversaries in a big way...
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 11:29 am

It's better not to expect anything at all than being disappointed.

We all know Iggy will have to stop touring sooner or later... But he may continue to record some music and maybe do more acoustic shows... that would rock.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 4:01 pm wrote:
It's better not to expect anything at all than being disappointed.

We all know Iggy will have to stop touring sooner or later... But he may continue to record some music and maybe do more acoustic shows... that would rock.

thats actually a wise and annoyingly accurate observation

because its not like doin a stones tour, u'no loads of datesnbut every 5 years, and its not like a dylan, 100 every year,but you just stand there

stooges are always on tour, with a couple months or weeks off sometimes

but iggy uses up loads of energy and it actually looks as though its ages him, esp in recent years
but yeh i dont know how long iggy can keep it up, im sure its bad for the rest of the guys, but iggy must be in pain alot, hes just gotta be, i know i couldnt do the shit he does

so like you say, i think we shouldnt get our hopes up and just appreciate whatever we get cos it cant last

also acoustic iggy tour would be brilliant! or just a solo tour
really wanna hear lust for life etc, never been to see iggy solo!

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 10:42 am

I hope that Stooges never do another album and that both them and us forget all about the latest, and that they just plays songs from all the first three albums...
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 1:59 pm

I don't think there'd be too much to fear from another album...just as long as it's rather less 'commercially'-oriented than most of The Weirdness of course (altho I certainly didn't dislike The Weirdness either). We all know how much talent these guys still have, I really want to hear new material!
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 5:50 pm

Quote :
We all know how much talent these guys still have, I really want to hear new material!

yeh, im desperate to hear new stuff, i'd hate it if they just stopped, and hate it even more if they just discarded the weirdness and skull ring, there are some amazing songs on there, and personally i love the weirdness so i hope they play more songs off it

i think they should probly play like shake appeal or something, or even work in she creatues if ron so wished, or any of that material, that would be great, but i dont think it would fit, its not this era stooges, they have a different groove

but i defintily cannot agree with you, J.N, and am glad to say that lol

cause i want them to play more stuff off weirdness, and esp more new stuff, i want them to get as much new material out there as possible b4 they have to give up and iggy cant jump around nemore and probly goes back to solo and does acoustic stuff like webmaster said
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stooges 2009 prospects? Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 6:35 pm

homesickjameswilliamson wrote: webmaster said
You mean
cuz doesn't have a webmaster!
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 7:10 pm

oh yeh, typo!

yeh sucks, i think the last piece of news was ''iggy and the stooges have a new album coming out soon''

and the one b4 thats about sum 41 lol
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Number of posts : 234
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 7:52 pm

Its still impossible to understand that anyone that like the Stooges stuff from the 60's and 70's could like The Weirdness. Besides a few songs that are good or decent, its the worst record ever that got Iggys name on it.

I rather listen to Zombie Birdhouse as the only record ever for the rest of my life than listen to Weirdness another time Wink
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 8:07 pm

whats wrong with zombie birdhouse??!!! lol
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Number of posts : 2617
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 12, 2008 11:22 pm

J.N wrote:
Besides a few songs that are good or decent, its the worst record ever that got Iggys name on it.


that's a bit harsh J.N.!!
from my own biased point of view, it's actually fairly good - cuz of Ron's guitar most of all
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Gimme some skin

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 3:45 am

Love The Weirdness, fun album. Zombie Birdhouse has some good songs. I can't wait for the new album.
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Street Walkin Cheetah

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 5:08 am

I talked to one of the stooges roadies (emailed him) =-- And, not to get your hopes down - but he said, a new album in 2009 is unlikely - but anythings possible....

So, it is possible, but rather unlikely. So I guess your in luck J.N. Wink

I hope they do one in 2010 though.... if they don't in 09 Sad
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 12:59 pm

hm... unlikely...but anything is possible scratch
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Number of posts : 18
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 2:08 pm

I really want an indoor show in ireland. (and gimmie danger Very Happy )
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Half Alive Incubator Baby

Number of posts : 272
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 7:26 pm

homesickjameswilliamson wrote:
or just a solo tour
really wanna hear lust for life etc, never been to see iggy solo!

i'd REALLY love to hear an iggy solo tour...there is so much great shit from the "non-stooges" material...
i hope before he shuts it down for good, that he does one last great tour of the best of all his solo albums...
(great songs like lust for life, 5'1'', funtime, etc... TOO many to name...deserve to be played... Idea )
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Number of posts : 234
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 13, 2008 8:14 pm

Nadja wrote:
J.N wrote:
Besides a few songs that are good or decent, its the worst record ever that got Iggys name on it.


that's a bit harsh J.N.!!
from my own biased point of view, it's actually fairly good - cuz of Ron's guitar most of all

Which album would be the worst?

I still have hopes that they could do an good album. Not like the first three Stooges albums, but atleast something that are like top 10 of anything Iggy had done in the past.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 14, 2008 2:09 pm

jimmyo wrote:
homesickjameswilliamson wrote:
or just a solo tour
really wanna hear lust for life etc, never been to see iggy solo!

i'd REALLY love to hear an iggy solo tour...there is so much great shit from the "non-stooges" material...
i hope before he shuts it down for good, that he does one last great tour of the best of all his solo albums...
(great songs like lust for life, 5'1'', funtime, etc... TOO many to name...deserve to be played... Idea )

exactly, that would be amazing, what are the chances tho, he'd probly be so burnt out on stooges he mightent tho, plus he keeps sayin that ''this is the stooges, we finish waht we started'' seems like this is gunna be it
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Six String Terrorist

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2008 3:55 pm

homesickjameswilliamson wrote:
''this is the stooges, we finish waht we started'' seems like this is gunna be it

Exactly. Primo Smile
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2008 7:42 pm

It really does seem like the Stooges are starting to wrap things up career-wise. If they don't record a new album within the next year I think next year I think they will have one final tour to celebrate the 40th anniverssary of their first album release and then 'retire' with the knowledge that they got the last laugh on everyone who said they'd never make it as well as the self-satisfaction having proved their critics wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2008 7:46 pm

sweet_sixteen wrote:
It really does seem like the Stooges are starting to wrap things up career-wise. If they don't record a new album within the next year I think next year I think they will have one final tour to celebrate the 40th anniverssary of their first album release and then 'retire' with the knowledge that they got the last laugh on everyone who said they'd never make it as well as the self-satisfaction having proved their critics wrong.
nah...dunno...think the Stooges don't have such ideas.
I guess they rather go 'under' (like The Stones)
playing as long as they want and like..especially Iggy

What the fuck the critics!
there's never made a statue for a there?
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 16, 2008 7:51 pm

sweet_sixteen wrote:
It really does seem like the Stooges are starting to wrap things up career-wise. If they don't record a new album within the next year I think next year I think they will have one final tour to celebrate the 40th anniverssary of their first album release and then 'retire' with the knowledge that they got the last laugh on everyone who said they'd never make it as well as the self-satisfaction having proved their critics wrong.

well said, and yeh looks to be like that, and it would be such a coup, think thats the correct word to use, anyway, i've seen them twice now which as far as i can see it, is like being blessed twice or something, i never expected to see them, and they were both amazing gigs, now i wanna see an iggy gig, but again, dont expect to, he may do some acoustic stuff which would be nice, as long as he's ok, i dont want him to do the stooges powerful jumpin around thing if he's hurtin himself u'no
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james matlock

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 7:17 pm

They still havent done a major north american tour, just a couple of unrelated festival dates. It would be nice to see them bring the music back to the mother-land before they sign off. Perhaps a co-headlining tour next summer with Sex Pistols>?
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