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 stooges 2009 prospects?

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G, F#, E
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 12:58 pm

Borntohula wrote:
And that has to do with taste. Which most people have. You're still this good rebel even how or not you feel about music.

If everyone did agree on msuic, we wouldn't have any struggle would we eh? Something that's very important when it comes to making magic.

of course! Smile
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 7:58 pm

homesickjameswilliamson wrote:
Quote :
Why did U2 have Oasis as a support band?!

dont bands usually put a shit band on, so they look all the better lol

U2 must have been retarded to have chosen The Pixies then Laughing U2 are good at what they do (stadium rock) and Bono and The Edge are both talented but hell, The Pixies are one of the most influencial bands of all time (notice how I said "one of" Wink) Seriously I don't think anyone but Iggy can match Black Francis' vocals. And the guiitar...WOW. The sheer variety of styles they pull off but do their own thing with, not to mention... Love

Nadja wrote:
I have to admit...I hate Oasis, Stone Roses and U2 all pretty much equally.

Give The Stone Roses a chance. They were an incredibly inventive band till Oasis and others made a watered down formula of it. Not to forget Ian Brown's lyrics, hes a clever guy...even if he does look like a chimp Laughing

Lucas wrote:
Even the Pistols are better than U2

Here we go again. Rolling Eyes The Sex Pistols never tried to be anyone but themselves (apart from Steve Jone's stage moves nicked from JOhnny Thunders), forget about what punk is the Pistols are just a good (in my opinion great) rock band.
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Free & Freaky

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 8:10 pm

Lucas wrote:
Even the Pistols are better than U2
That's a ridiculous statement. Rolling Eyes

You are comparing two completely different types of music. That's like saying that The Rolling Stones are way better than The Kingston Trio. Laughing

There is an audience for both. Personally, I hate the Pistols, but I'm not "rating" them. They're just not my type of music.
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 10:00 pm

You might be surprised

Quote :
We cannot know exactly what U2 dreamed of during their two year break, but anyone who knows something of the very early days of U2's career may have some ideas. Before they recorded their first album U2's live gigs were characterised by the two personas which Bono would play - the Boy and the Fool. When it came to recording, however, the Boy became the primary character, and the Fool faded into insignificance. Over the next ten years the Boy grew into a Man, and U2's punk beginnings became everything punk had rebelled against.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 05, 2008 11:37 pm

yeh, i always remembered hearing early stuff abd it being punky, well postpunky

also, it was only a joke G, any band ive ever seen, well most, have a shitty support on, but i love pixies!! never kenw they supported U2, adn they ustve been idiots to put them on, thats a strange combo, no?
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2008 12:41 am

Yeah it is. Sadly it pretty much split up the Pixies. Sad They were treated REALLY badly on that tour.
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Number of posts : 283
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 1:57 pm

Here's a little something beliving Oasis does a Beatles immitation route with mashed up lyrics and stolen music.
Oasis - To be where there's life.
A boogie stomper which is centred around the bass. Gives me those things the song funhouse gives me. The bass moves it and easy guitar(on the album sitar) parts drives it even further everytime I listen to it. The lyrics are about playing cds(digging out your soul means putting on vinyls)
It's even something I'd be outspoken in favor of The Stooges playing. Akin back to the mystical stuff on the first album.

Oasis - Gaspanic.
A very heavy song that's on of the def top tunes I'v ever heard. The lyrics are just as evil as some of the The Doors wrote, and the music itself got a jamming intensity that I strive for myself while playing.

What tongueless ghost of sin crept through my curtains?
Sailing on a sea of sweat on a stormy night
I think he don`t got a name but I can`t be certain
And in me he starts to confide
Oasis - Fucking in the bushes
This song is very definitive. Medicine for a person that's feeling low or put down underneath the competetion. It really gives you that extra punch you akin to deliver.

-We worked many years for you pigs. You wanna break our walls down? You wanna destroy? Well you go to hell!

These are some of the songs that makes Oasis for me. Heavy stuff sluggish with psychadelic movement. Lyrics that are on a different plane enough to not be compared to others.
A bit like when you take a listen to Rolling Stones or Bob Dylan. You don't compare their lyrics to others, you try to compare others to theirs.
But this is not saying that Oasis are completely like this through all their songs.
I'm only saying that they have songs that ranks up enough to be classics for me.
And also saying you don't go listen to these songs and go with the usual "They stole from that band and that band and smeared it with lyrics without meaning." rants
These songs are one their own rights fucking heavy.
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 4:46 pm

I've listened to those songs and I'm not that impressed. Its psychadelic by numbers on the "experimental" tracks and theres no feeling in any of the songs.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 5:37 pm

listened to the songs a couple times, and thanks for goin through them and giving your opinion on them bortohula

but i have to say, G hit it on the head as far as im concerned, it all seems psychedlic by numbers, theyre not bad song or anything, its just theyre not great, nad considering theyre not starting anything, just repeating what bands did 40 years ago - and alot better, its like G says, no feeling, quite hollow

and a personal, 'pet peeve' or pet hate for me is lyrics, if they dont make sense, or in this case try to hard to be good but turn out to be random images the writer doesnt seem to understand, then its very hard for me to pay attention to the music, or give it credence if the lyrics are stupid, and to me these are, that one you stated above, thats just pure shit - like i said, it seems noel/liam/whoever wrote it, just threw images and words and scenarios theyve either heard before or thought sounded good, together just to get the song finished, unless you care to explain them further, or what they mean to you?

thanks for the effort, but i think im still on the ''i only like a couple songs" side of the fence
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Number of posts : 283
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 6:12 pm

G, F#, E and homesickjameswilliam: One must try mustn' he Wink

For the "without feel" is always a 50/50 for people. Some just hate that Liam stands there and sounds nasal. Others, like me, doesn't care that much or find the attitude funny enough to love.

Gas panic is really easy figuring out, basicly Noel getting off drugs and getting panic attacks because of it. People I know who has been hooked and gotten off it says that the song is very true to what they felt when they went clean.
Esepcially the "My family doesn't seem that familliar and my enemies all know my name"

To be where there's life is more about the music for me. The beavy bass and good rythm. I heard some interview where it sounded like it's about finding some meaning in music. But I'm not that into it's meaning. It's cool words to some very delicate music.

Fucking in the bushes goes is very hardarsed music to some samples from some old movie about music festival. There isn't that much sung, mostly shouted. And what Noel shouts goes really well with the whole youth vs those who rule.
I mean -We worked many years for you pigs. You wanna break our walls down? You wanna destroy? Well you go to hell! Isn't that hard to picture what it's about. I mean, I'm quite pissed of at my goverment right now.
They'v tossed Sweden into a real control society now by giving the music industry the rights to see ip adresses of people who download stuff. That's more authority that the police has.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 6:33 pm

Quote :

Gas panic is really easy figuring out, basicly Noel getting off drugs and getting panic attacks because of it.

yeh, i get the point of the song, but i dont get the words, by themselves like ''tongueless ghost" what does he mean by that or ''of a sin" and why is it creeping through his window, and why sailing? d'u'no what i mean? i really love lyrics and write them myself, and feel they are quite like poetry in that, every words has to stand for something, it has to be there for a reason, and i dpnt get the words he has chosen for this song
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 6:38 pm

don't think I'll ever be an Oasis convert but it's been interesting to read all this thanks Borntohula! Smile
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 6:42 pm

Quote :
hasn't all this gone waaaayyyyy off topic

i just realised that when i saw the name of the thread ''stooges 2009 prospects" lol

and we're talking about oasis' lyrics, we should be talkin about iggys lyrical prospoects for 2009, God Is Dead??

any ideas? sounds intriguing, could be a misnomer a la end of chrisianity
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Angusyd van Hyman

Angusyd van Hyman

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 7:04 pm

Don't know how it's gonna be - I can't even guess.
Maybe it could be about the end of "a" god, and not "the" God, like nobody believes in anybody anymore...
Or maybe Iggy's decided he was 16 again and that he didn't want to believe in anybody...
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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 7:05 pm

Maybe it won't have anything to do with God at all, haha.
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Angusyd van Hyman

Angusyd van Hyman

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 7:07 pm

"And the answer is... it's an instrumental song!"
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Number of posts : 283
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 7:16 pm

Angusyd van Hyman wrote:
"And the answer is... it's an instrumental song!"

And may that not happen. I want a proper song with lyrics put into context with the title. With words that are as stripped down as they need to be. Just Iggy declaring that for him -he is that. That God is dead. or something. It should be put simple but powerfull to Asheton bros action.
I mean. O solo mio was like that. Why couldn't every song on the new album do that Smile? Even douh, I don't understand the fisherman thing he sings.

And yeah guys. Sorry for the Oasis thing lol!
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 9:56 pm

homesickjameswilliamson wrote:
Quote :
hasn't all this gone waaaayyyyy off topic

i just realised that when i saw the name of the thread ''stooges 2009 prospects" lol

and we're talking about oasis' lyrics, we should be talkin about iggys lyrical prospoects for 2009, God Is Dead??

any ideas? sounds intriguing, could be a misnomer a la end of chrisianity

I'm hoping for a more direct, simplistic but not silly set of lyrics. Either that or clever ones so either "No Fun" or "O Solo Mio" style. I hope Ron comes upwith some more savage, moody riffs like "Skull Ring" or "O Solo Mio".

OK so I'm mentioning it a lot but "O Solo Mio" is the best song The Stooges have done since their reunion, the highlight of "The Weirdness" and the greatest song Iggy's done in ages. Very Happy Great shout Borntohula.

But the music sounds VERY promising: Quote from Iggy:

""Ron and Scott just sent me the most psychotic, brutal piece of music, I wrote a lyric for it, and it's called God Is Dead."

I can't wait. Twisted Evil

Last edited by G, F#, E on Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2617
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 10:29 pm

haha - just a lyric? just one?? angusyd you may be right it may be largely instrumental after all then. That's just fine by me!
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 11:02 pm

I think Iggy means a set of lyrics Laughing
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 07, 2008 11:09 pm

[quote]I think Iggy means a set of lyricsp/quote]

probly but if he means he wrote it there and then, he might mean i have an idea of what the songs about and i wrote it in a couplet or something, i always do that, you get a couplet in your head and you write it down and maybe dont go near it for weeks, but you've got the idea of what you wanna sing about in that, so maybe he does mean one or a couple sets of lines and will fill it out closer to recording time or something
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Number of posts : 283
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PostSubject: Re: stooges 2009 prospects?   stooges 2009 prospects? - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2008 11:53 am

But seriously. The most important thing about is that Ron and Scott thought it was controversial. With Iggyon the edge makes them more dangerous.
They had their feel good about making the wierdness. I hope this one shows off Iggys dark passenger Smile
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