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 Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos

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heavy liquid
heavy liquid

Number of posts : 1320
Registration date : 2007-02-26

Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Empty
PostSubject: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2007 3:25 pm

Iggy Pop has caused a ten-minute delay at Glastonbury by leading a stage invasion.

The 'Lust For Life' star invited fans to jump the barriers and join him onstage during his set at the musical extravaganza yesterday.

However, the move backfired when security guards proved unable to control the surging crowd, allowing 300 revellers to take to the stage.

Pop's performance suffered a ten-minute delay while officials attempted to coax the excited fans back into the crowd, but his set was eventually resumed with an encore of his hits 'Little Baby', 'Candy' and 'The Passenger'.


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Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2007 4:25 pm

Yeah I saw that story on - what a pile of crap.
OK so there was a pause in the performance - that's true, but what the f..k is all that about Iggy encoring with his his hits 'Little Baby', 'Candy' and 'The Passenger'??? Do these writers / reporters get paid for writing such inaccurate bollocks? Was this guy even at Glastonbury?
My wife is a professional journalist, and she writes the truth, and I respect her for that.
I hate lazy wasters who can't be arsed to even check out their facts and end up writing shite like this.
Thanks Heavy Liquid for reposting this 'story' so we can all marvel at how crap it is!
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heavy liquid
heavy liquid

Number of posts : 1320
Registration date : 2007-02-26

Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2007 4:47 pm

adams66 wrote:

OK so there was a pause in the performance - that's true, but what the f..k is all that about Iggy encoring with his his hits 'Little Baby', 'Candy' and 'The Passenger'???

Thats what I was thinking. Suspect confused

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Street Walkin Cheetah

Number of posts : 1296
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Registration date : 2007-03-05

Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2007 6:23 pm

is there even a song called little baby ? lol
the stage delay, was hilarious though, on the dvd of this show.. i was laughing, because 5 minutes go by once no fun is done, and none of the ppl on stage even moved off the stage Smile it was hilarious
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Gimme some skin

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PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2007 7:53 pm

Dumb arses.
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Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2007-06-27

Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 3:56 am

It was a great performance...but it would have had a LOT more impact if he'd called everyone onstage for the final song.
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PostSubject: Re: Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos   Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos Icon_minitime

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Iggy Pop sparks Glastonbury chaos
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