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 Raw Power and Raw Power and Raw Power ...and...Raw Power?

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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

Number of posts : 3439
Age : 35
Location : Stoogeland
Registration date : 2007-07-07

Raw Power and Raw Power and Raw Power ...and...Raw Power? Empty
PostSubject: Raw Power and Raw Power and Raw Power ...and...Raw Power?   Raw Power and Raw Power and Raw Power ...and...Raw Power? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 29, 2007 6:05 pm

Hey just wanted to ask, does anyone know if the 'raw power' labelled as released in 1972 on itunes (UK store) is actually that one, or why would they sell the same version (iggy) as two differnet ones?

i just thought cos every1 (including me) wants to get there hands on the original, and granted it wouldnt be of best sound quality, but at least we'd hear it

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Raw Power and Raw Power and Raw Power ...and...Raw Power?
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