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 Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes

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Number of posts : 719
Location : Burke, VA
Registration date : 2007-02-26

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PostSubject: Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes   Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 5:17 am

Anyone out there hear of this? I don't think it's been discussed here.

Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes 61e6%252BwFoubL._SS500_

Disc 1
1. Tight Pants
2. I'm A Man
3. I Got A Right
4. Money (That's What I Want)
5. Scene Of The Crime
6. Gimme Some Skin
7. Rubber Legs
8. Open Up And Bleed
9. Johanna

Disc 2
1. Cock In My Pocket
2. I'm Sick Of You
3. Louie Louie
4. Head On
5. Cry For Me
6. She Creatures Of The Hollywood Hills 07. Born In A Trailer
7. Wild Love
8. Till The End Of The Night
9. Till the End of the Night
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Number of posts : 154
Registration date : 2009-01-20

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PostSubject: Re: Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes   Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 10:05 am

It's already been discussed in hear in thread entitled "New Iggy Pop and The Stooges compilation".

It's just another rip off re-release of the same old stuff, I'm afraid.
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Number of posts : 719
Location : Burke, VA
Registration date : 2007-02-26

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PostSubject: Re: Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes   Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 6:46 pm

andrew wrote:
It's already been discussed in hear in thread entitled "New Iggy Pop and The Stooges compilation".

It's just another rip off re-release of the same old stuff, I'm afraid.

There is another comp that popped up on my Amazon page, looks like mostly the same material: Forgotten Boy: Detroit & LA 1973

EDIT: I just noticed this warning on the Amazon page: This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Isn't there a SINGLE place to find this stuff? And "Purple Haze" and "I'm Waiting For The Man" are NEVER on these comps!

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PostSubject: Re: Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes   Iggy & The Stooges: The Detroit Tapes Icon_minitime

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