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 Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was

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2 posters


Number of posts : 313
Registration date : 2009-10-12

Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Empty
PostSubject: Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was   Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 2:04 am

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james matlock

Number of posts : 139
Registration date : 2008-10-16

Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was   Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 9:14 pm

an interesting Ray Manzerek/Ron Asheton photo on that same page.
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Number of posts : 313
Registration date : 2009-10-12

Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was   Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2011 5:32 am

Both were recording music for Scott Richardson's solo spoken word release.
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Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was   Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was Icon_minitime

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Story behind a 1990 photo shoot with Iggy and Don Was
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