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 Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013

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Number of posts : 15
Age : 64
Registration date : 2007-04-19

Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013 Empty
PostSubject: Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013   Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 5:04 pm


Raw Power
Gimme Danger
I Got A Right
Search And Destroy
Fun House
Beyond The Law
Ready To Die
I Wanna Be Your Dog
No Fun
The Passenger
Sex And Money
Open Up And Bleed
Cock In My Pocket
Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell

James Williamson guitar, Mike Watt bass, Steven Mackay sax, Toby Dammit drums


Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013 IggytheStoogesPierLuigiBalzarini010a
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Iggy and the Stooges; Ippodromo Milano, Italy, 11Luglio2013
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