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 San jose

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3 posters


Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeMon Sep 30, 2013 8:48 am

Great gig last night. Similar play list as Berlin. Have some photos. Will upload later. No stage invasion as too small a stage just one girl invited. Met Iggy at hotel later and like watts. Report to follow!
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Number of posts : 636
Registration date : 2011-02-07

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 9:37 pm

Looking forward to your report and photos Jacqui!
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 5:36 pm

OK, here is the set list;
1. Raw power
2. Gimme danger
4.Search and destroy
5. fun house/night theme
6.beyond the law
7. johanna
8.ready to die
9.I wanna be your dog
10. No fun
12. I got a right
13. cock in my pocket
14.pretty face and money
16. penetration up and bleed
18 burn
19 louie louie

So...the park was way smaller than you'd think, the stage even smaller (compared to Berlin anyway)

San jose C2svss12

We had heard that there would be no stage invasion for fun house during the James Williamson key note speech

San jose Sanjos11

as we talked to the stage guy who was present , Josh, although he said you never know with Iggy...the stage was too small with too much "stuff" around.
We had VIP band so there was a space set aside at the right hand side of the stage, so we went in there to start...

They started as always with Raw Power, the sound was great where we were although at the very front it was overload on guitar and low on vocal according to the youtube video' gimme danger and then something went totally wrong with James guitar sound as they started 1970, Iggy stopped them and had a big meltdown...

Absolutely crazy!

Just before this point we had jumped the barrier of the VIP section to get into the very special front area! No one really noticed, so we got very close...

San jose Sanjos10..
This close..
San jose Sanjos12
Funhouse started and Iggy said that there could only be one person on stage and he picked out a girl (of course!) at the front row, she got up danced with Iggy....

One funny thing was another girl jumped the barrier near us but got spotted by the security and my friend just grabbed her and said "she's with us" !! Which was pretty funny as we were not supposed to be there anyway! And then she ran up on stage a little later, so we had hate looks all night from the security guy..

This is the third Stooges gig I have been too, honestly all have been great, this one was a lot of fun and the audience were right into it, Iggy had his jacket...

(to follow in one moment)
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 6:08 pm

Iggy and band photo's

San jose Sanjos14

San jose Sanjos15

San jose Sanjos16

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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 6:27 pm

San jose Sanjos22

San jose Sanjos23

San jose Sanjos24

During one song , can't remember which, bodypainted dancers came onstage, but Iggy almost totally ignored them so I don't think they were a band idea!

We went backstage as we were supposed to be  part of the special front crowd, and re met up with Mikes pals who told us to come with them back to the hotel, so we did. After a while we noticed Iggy go into the restaurant, so hung about and met him a few hours later...he was great, friendly and relaxed  and chatted to us and yes we got photo's!!!
He said no tour next year, it will be film and TV. I have to double check with my friend but pretty sure he said recording and solo stuff after...

And then we met Mike in his room, he was funny, arguing with his friends about dirigible's vs Zeppelins and everything else. after security came to the door he yelled to us " All You's People has got to be quitening down now.. then slammed the door shut...

A really good time!

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Number of posts : 636
Registration date : 2011-02-07

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeSun Oct 06, 2013 11:53 pm

Thanks for sharing the photos!

No tour next year?... but "recording and solo stuff after..." Do you think that meant actual band recording... another album maybe?
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeMon Oct 07, 2013 1:41 am

Next year a year off for tv, followed by stooges gig then Iggy solo. Had to double check with my friend who actually has half a memory.
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Number of posts : 636
Registration date : 2011-02-07

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeMon Oct 07, 2013 3:12 pm

Ah, was hoping you were about to drop the news that Iggy and James had ambitions for another album.  Crying or Very sad 

When you say a year for TV, I guess that's Iggy-TV of some sort, not Stooges-TV.  ??

It would be great if some of the future non-touring plans were to include the drummer. No disrespect to Larry, but it would be a fine thing to see or hear Rock back on the stool sometime soon.
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 12:53 am

Got the impression Iggy tv, want there some voice over job ?
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Number of posts : 313
Registration date : 2009-10-12

San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitimeWed Feb 26, 2014 12:12 am

Here's the best set of live San Jose Stooges photos, plus James Williamson's keynote speech with him doing the Bunny hop: click Lots and LOTS of photos... Dance 
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San jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: San jose   San jose Icon_minitime

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