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 Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall

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6 posters

Number of posts : 1003
Location : Chelmsford, UK
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2016 6:48 pm


05/04/16 - Stockholm, Sweden - Cirkus
05/05/16 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Falconer
05/07/16 - Berlin, Germany - Tempodrom
05/08/16 - Hamburg, Germany - Mehr! Theater
05/10/16 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Heineken Music Hall
05/13/16 - London, UK - Royal Albert Hall
05/15/16 - Paris, France - Le Grand Rex

See for full tour dates and more information
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Number of posts : 1003
Location : Chelmsford, UK
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2016 6:50 pm

Yeah, look at the website for loads of North American dates.
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2016 8:04 pm

Shame we only get one UK date, Donald. Tickets will go fast... Have to be quick clicking away on Friday morning...
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 6:59 pm

Hoping to buy a ticket for London tomorrow!
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 7:51 pm

Me too.
Later yesterday evening it appeared that there would be O2 priority presale tickets, which I could have taken advantage of. But this morning that option had vanished and the official tour page clearly says that there was no presale option for any of the European dates.
So we will all be frantically refreshing those pages at 9am tomorrow.
Best of luck.
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-04-20

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 11:22 am

Hooray, I'm going.
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 11:25 am

Well done!
It seems that I'm not.
Been trying since 9am on various sites, and now it's telling me that the show is sold out. Bugger.
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-04-20

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 11:28 am

I started queuing at 8.50. Then panic set in as couldn't get tickets I wanted, went for best available. So happy now.
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 12:05 pm

I kept refreshing the pages and finally got a couple of tickets - Arena block B!! That's a lot closer to the stage than I was expecting so I'm very happy with that!
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 3:26 pm

Couldnt get any!
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 3:48 pm

Bad luck Jacqui. There do seem to be some available on places like Get Me In, but at noticeably higher prices than face value. I don't know how the touts manage to get hold of so many, but they always do, and as this is the only UK show the greedy bastards will be loading the prices now.
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Number of posts : 1003
Location : Chelmsford, UK
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 12:18 pm

Row W in the circle. Not great but at least I'm in.
Never mind Jacqui, he's playing the Isle of Wight festival so you could always see him there. Without Josh Homme etc.
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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2007-05-17

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 8:27 pm

I'm off to see him in Amsterdam... .Cant bloody wait.. Really think it all might be coming to an end.....
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 4:36 am

Absolutely bloody brilliant! What a superb gig from Iggy - he turned the Albert Hall into one massive party. Never seen so much dancing at an Iggy gig! The whole show had a really infectious groove to it. That band is wonderful too.
More tomorrow, must get some sleep now...
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 9:45 am

It was fabulous! I had tickets for the very top area but worked my way down! The crowd we're so into it, the whole gig was excellent. Loved every second! Did it stream at all? I need to see the final song especially (success) as I may have been on stage....
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 9:54 am

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Image12
Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Image10
Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Image11
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 11:01 am

Great pictures Jacqui!
Were the cameras for a live stream? If so where, I wonder... Or perhaps a DVD?
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Number of posts : 116
Location : nr london but travels
Registration date : 2013-05-18

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 11:19 am

I went to YouTube just after the gig and there was a notice saying stream to start in one hour, but my phone died and I had to get a bus!
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Number of posts : 289
Registration date : 2011-08-02

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 11:25 am

sounds great , lucky you ! anybody going to Paris ? still looking for a spare ticket to go,
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 2:16 pm

Good luck Fabrice! Hope you manage to get a ticket.
Some more Albert Hall tickets were released on the day of the gig, so it might be worth checking that for the Paris show.
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Number of posts : 289
Registration date : 2011-08-02

Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 8:35 pm

thanx Richard , unfortunately both the Grand Rex and the production company already let me know by email that is was sold out and that was daft , they mostly sold up to 4 tix to black market dealers.
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Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall   Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall Icon_minitime

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Iggy at the Royal Albert Hall
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