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 Iggy, Bowie, Berlin

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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

Number of posts : 3439
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Registration date : 2007-07-07

Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 4:19 am

David Bowie and Iggy Pop on the glam in Berlin
Monday, March 31st 2008, 4:00 AM

Iggy Pop and David Bowie
Celebrities who are virtual prey today might envy David Bowie and Iggy Pop, who escaped their '70s fame simply by moving to Germany. "Bowie in Berlin" author Thomas Jerome Seabrook says the pair had other reasons for leaving L.A., where the glam-rock progenitor allegedly brought cocaine to Iggy while he was in rehab.
"The official line is that they went to Berlin to clean up," Seabrook tells us. "But they'd probably both agree that they didn't really. With Bowie, it was mostly cocaine, and I know Iggy was using heroin on and off, certainly before Berlin and probably when he was there, too. They both spent a lot of their time drinking, for days at a time."
Iggy's star power in the '70s had faded to the point that he considered auditioning for Kiss. Bowie had his own problems, rushing to close the curtains during a Cameron Crowe interview because he "saw a body drop out of the sky."
The two rock stars rented a small apartment in a dicey neighborhood in West Berlin and lived unrecognized for years, drinking themselves "into oblivion in working men's clubs and transvestite cabaret bars." It was one of Bowie's most fertile periods, in which he created his albums "Low," "Heroes" and "Lodger."
What about the rumors that the two were lovers - despite Bowie's wife, Angie, still being around?
"I don't think so, no," says Seabrook. "Bowie was with Romy Haag, a nightclub owner, and Iggy had a lot of girlfriends, including the daughter of a diplomat. I'm pretty sure they weren't."
Iggy [aka Jim Osterberg] wasn't faring as well as his friend, but a loyal Bowie wasn't about to leave him behind.
"Bowie was paying for everything," Seabrook tells us. "Bowie eventually got Iggy a record deal with RCA. Iggy was able to buy his own flat. Bowie gave Iggy an allowance almost. He was very much under his wing."
It was obviously worth it. Anybody who has seen Jim Jarmusch's "Coffee and Cigarettes" can see in the scene with Tom Waits what a shy, sweet person the former leader of the Stooges is. And at the recent Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions, a totally buff Iggy blew 'em off the stage.
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Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 1:32 pm

hmm...don't know...this kind of articles give a bit of everything information and a lot of nothing.
Touching rumours and guessing around about those days.

In Paul Trynka's Open up and Bleed, you can read between the lines some of this kind of information
+ much much more and accurate stuff on the Bowie/Iggy Berlin period.
Paul himself talked with 'the diplomat girlfriend'; Esther Friedman.
with whom Iggy had a pretty serious that article they don't even know her name.
and that info mention 'coffee and cigarette's' about Iggy being shy scratch
hate this kind of media stuff!

think this thread belongs into the Gimme Danger part of the forum?
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

Number of posts : 3439
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Registration date : 2007-07-07

Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 3:22 pm

yeh i wasnt sure where to put it, also havent read it yet, just read the first couple lines
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Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 4:20 pm

Hugo Wilcken's book on Bowie's Low contains lots of really good, and accurate, information about the recording of The Idiot.

The article above seems rather vague. I hope the book it is promoting is a bit more detailed.


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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

Number of posts : 3439
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Location : Stoogeland
Registration date : 2007-07-07

Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 4:23 pm

I was actually gonna ask anyone if there was details of them in berlin, i'll look into the book, thanks!
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Paul T

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Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2008 5:22 pm

As suggested, Esther Friedmann was not a diplomat's daughter. I've not read the book, but someone did mention it was compiled from old information, which might be right as the 'diplomat's daughter' story came from a 1977 Melody maker. Most Bowie books skimp over this period, too.

Hugos' book on Low is great; it quotes from a Recording Musicien interview with Laurent Thibault, who engineered The Idiot. He, and Phil Palmer, are interviewed in OU&B, as were a few other people from the Chateau, like Kuelan Nguyen, who inspired China Girl. For my money, this is one of Iggy's (and Bowie's) most intriguing periods, parlty because there's so little info on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Iggy, Bowie, Berlin   Iggy, Bowie, Berlin Icon_minitime

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