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 Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977

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Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2008-05-02

Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977   Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Icon_minitimeTue May 20, 2008 10:00 pm

For the completist only, here's the complete interview of Iggy Pop at the French TV in September, 22 , 1977, it's 5 Mns 52 long, so the part that is often available (Jesus this is Iggy DVD ect...) is not the complete one, if you want to see Iggy's japanese shoes and more Wink :

Here's the link ( :
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Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977   Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Icon_minitimeWed May 21, 2008 11:09 pm

sounds really good regufr!
i uploaded the heavy load..but than needed a new program to load for quicktime player..

- guess this thread belongs into the Gimme Danger part of the forum - under '....interviews and video's'

anyone uploaded the stuff an seen it? how is it?
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Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2008-05-02

Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977   Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Icon_minitimeThu May 22, 2008 8:27 am

ZinZin wrote:
sounds really good regufr!
i uploaded the heavy load..but than needed a new program to load for quicktime player..

- guess this thread belongs into the Gimme Danger part of the forum - under '....interviews and video's'

anyone uploaded the stuff an seen it? how is it?

No it's a simple avi file, you should download the small VLC player, this player reads about every video format, here's the link, there's no pop up or bad surprises with this free program :
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Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977   Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Icon_minitimeFri May 23, 2008 1:29 am

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Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977   Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977 Icon_minitime

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Complete interview of Iggy Pop French TV 1977
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