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 Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!

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Paul T
world's forgotten boy
12 posters
world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2008 7:26 pm

Hey, anyone else just love this funny song that Iggy did live? Iggy is "Batman" and another one in the band is "Robin", and they play the ol' Batman theme in between the talking! It can be found on the 'Nuggets' Bootleg... Anyway, Anyone know if there exists a better version of the track? Smile

Discuss Rare Iggy songs you like and explain a little about them! Smile
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2008 11:52 pm

I always loved that song, that are on a few bootlegs besides Nuggets.

The best rare songs I can remember right now are The winter of my discontent, Fire engine, Old Mule skinner and Rock action, all a pity never to be recorded properly.
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 1:02 am

Did Iggy cover Fire Engine? (13th Floor Elevators)
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 1:06 am

I always thought that it was his own song, but Ive never heard a song with that name with Roky Ericksons old group so now Im not so sure...
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 1:22 pm

Iggy's "Fire Engine" and Roky's / 13th Floor Elevators' "Fire Engine" are two entirely different (but both very good) songs.
Incidentally, the 13th Floor Elevators' tune was often used by Television to open their gigs in the 1970s and my old band, the Side Effects, did a sterling cover of it too (if I say so myself!!)
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 1:45 pm

world's forgotten boy wrote:
Hey, anyone else just love this funny song that Iggy did live? Iggy is "Batman" and another one in the band is "Robin", and they play the ol' Batman theme in between the talking! It can be found on the 'Nuggets' Bootleg... Anyway, Anyone know if there exists a better version of the track? Smile

Discuss Rare Iggy songs you like and explain a little about them! Smile

i think , but not sure , "batman theme" is from a show in paris (palace)in 80's ?
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world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

Number of posts : 275
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2008 2:09 pm

Live 16th May 1979, Palace, Paris! Smile It must have been played other places, too? Smile
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2008 12:39 pm

Yeah, I saw them do it in Colchester and I've got it on a tape from Brighton.
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2008 1:24 pm

I think "Batman" was performed most nights on that Spring 1979 tour, usually acting as a sort of lead in to "Louie Louie"
Guitarist Jackie Clark 'duetted' with Iggy on this, taking the Robin role. Personally I love it, surreal though it is.
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world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

Number of posts : 275
Registration date : 2008-04-12

Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2008 2:58 pm

Donald wrote:
Yeah, I saw them do it in Colchester and I've got it on a tape from Brighton.

And possibility you could post it? Smile ... know if it is better quality than the 'Nuggets' version?
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Number of posts : 1003
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2008 6:54 pm

It isn't better quality than the Nuggets version and I only have it on tape. One day I might get round to transferring it to some digital format. I'll let you know...
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Paul T

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2008 7:03 pm

I reckon it's Batman that inspired Iggy's last great druggy song, Repo Man. Check out the guitar riffs.

...and Repo Man deserves to make it into an Iggy best of...
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 1:53 am

yeh i love repo man, only recently found it, cant remember where, but managed to download it as its not on any CD im aware of, briliant track
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Gimme some skin

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 2:37 am

It's a great track definately. I think it's on the soundtrack of the movie but I only have it downloaded myself.

Here's a clip in case you don't know it.
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world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

Number of posts : 275
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 3:58 am

Yeah, Repo Man is one of my favourite Iggy tracks, too... anyway it seems like the Ig always leaves some of the really good tracks out of albums... Like "Dreaming Fails" from Brick By Brick. They really should have done more with that demo...

Anyone else than me noticed that the "Repo Man" track in the movie is slightly different than the one on the soundtrack? I'm not meaning the instrumental intro... anyone know if there are any places to get the instumental version?
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 9:12 am

"When Dreaming Fails" is a demo from 1985. It was recorded with Steve Jones and a drum machine in preparation for what became Blah-Blah-Blah. For no obvious reason it's often included with the acoustic Brick By Brick demos.
Bootleggers eh? WTF do they know!
It's a great track though isn't it?
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world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

Number of posts : 275
Registration date : 2008-04-12

Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 3:13 pm

Yeah, I think it's a great track... thanks for the info, didn't know it was that old... maybe Iggy wants to do something with it himself? as he have jammed on the song for so long. Smile
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2008 7:13 pm

Iggy often leaves out great tracks which are slightly different when going for a commercial album that's why "When Dreaming Fails" was left out of "Blah-Blah-Blah" and why "O Solo Mio" was left out of "The Weirdness". It's a shame.
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world's forgotten boy

world's forgotten boy

Number of posts : 275
Registration date : 2008-04-12

Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 1:41 am

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean...
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Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2007-08-21

Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 9:13 am

His version of "Batman" is a cover of Link Wray's cover...
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Number of posts : 43
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 10:26 pm

i dont think its particularly rare but 'til the end of the night' off of the heavy liquid boxset if a particular favourite of mine... i just love to atmosphere to the song and that guitar riff...... dunno, just love it.
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Modern Guy, Modern Guy

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2008 10:29 pm

its amazing, one of their best lost songs, cant believe it was never played live (to my knowledge) its a pity, its such a great song
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2008 5:30 pm

I've never been to fond of "Till The End Of The Night" it's a good enough song and it would whoop the best of songs by other bands but I don't think it works as well as "I'm Sick Of You", "I Got Nothin'" and "Open Up And Bleed".
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Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Batman Theme and other Rare tracks!   Batman Theme and other Rare tracks! Icon_minitime

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