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 Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968

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Registration date : 2008-03-28

Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Empty
PostSubject: Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968   Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 2:08 am

Upon further review it appears the Stooges played one gig at the Grande in February of 1968.
An ad from The Fifth Estate newspaper that ran in the Feb. 15-29, 1968 paper has an ad for the Psychedelic Stooges.
The Byrds headlined a Feb. 18 gig that also included the Psychedelic Stooges, The Rationals and Wilson Mower Pursuit.

Also there's another worthwhile write-up on the band from the Nov.28-Dec. 11 edition of The Fifth Estate.
John Sinclair, the manager of the MC5, wrote about the Stooges in his Rock & Roll Dope Column on Page 17.

Here it is.

"Blue Cheer was blown away again in their second Detroit appearance at the Grande, Nov. 21st, when the Stooges unleashed their new set.
The Stooges sound better every week, and that Thursday night they were stronger than they've been since last March, when I saw them for the first time and came all over myself. There were times in their show when the music passed into pure magic, rising and rising in intensity until it was felt more than heard. They'll start work on their first Electra album in Los Angeles in late February with John Cale from the Velvet Underground producing."
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Number of posts : 2617
Registration date : 2007-12-16

Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968   Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2008 1:36 pm

that's great Funhousehideaway, thanks!

anything from that era, before the first album even... cheers

(and a mention of Blue Cheer too... getting blown away, no less... Rolling Eyes )
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Number of posts : 719
Location : Burke, VA
Registration date : 2007-02-26

Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968   Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2008 10:28 am

Wow...a review by Sinclair?! Naturally it HAD to refer to sex. I dont think that man has EVER given an interview or written something where he doesn't mention fucking or cumming!
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Iggy Stooge

Number of posts : 51
Registration date : 2009-07-17

Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968   Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2009 11:13 pm

Cool Review, Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968   Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968 Icon_minitime

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Stooges second-ever gig and review from late 1968
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