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 Early Setlists?

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Chazz Avery

Chazz Avery

Number of posts : 133
Location : North Coast, Ohio
Registration date : 2008-04-07

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PostSubject: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 11:31 am

Something I've always wondered is about The Stooges choice of setlists. These questions might be answered elsewhere on the board but I thought it might be good to collect all the answers in one place.

Fairly definitive info...

Circa 1970 - Based on the available recordings, it seems the set constisted exclusively of Funhouse songs in almost the same sequence as the album.

Circa 1971 - Apparently the same six songs in the same sequence at each show.

Questions... (in chronological order)

How early did the first album songs begin to appear live?

In 1969, did they play the first album exclusively. If so, was it in the sequence of the album?

Why did they abandon first album songs in 1970? Being the same band, you'd think they would have still played at least a couple of them.

In 1971, did they abandon ALL earlier material because James didn't know it or was ignoring earlier work simply their method of operation? I would certainly think James was talented enough to easily play the earlier material.

Did they EVER play anything from the first two albums live with James?

What was the setlist for the 1972 London show?

Were any of the 1972 Olympic Studio songs, besides "I Got A Right" ever performed live?

Did they ever perform "You Pretty Face...", "Penetration", "Shake Appeal" or "Death Trip" live?

Were things like "Rubber Legs", "Cry For Me/Pin Point Eyes" ever performed live?

During 1973-74, while most shows opened with "Raw Power" followed by "Head On", the rest of the sets are fairly random. This seems contradictory to earlier shows. Was there any particular reason for this?
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Number of posts : 2617
Registration date : 2007-12-16

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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 12:08 pm

Some intriguing questions there...
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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

Number of posts : 2307
Age : 32
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2008-05-06

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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:54 pm

In 1969 "I Wanna Be Your Dog" was normally the opener and "1969" would finish the set. There were usually only 5 songs played per gig.

The "Fun House" songs were added gradually replacing the 1969 songs. The Stooges got bored easily and liked to play new stuff.

James did play "Fun house" material in late 1970 along with "Big Time Bum". The new 1971 stuff was composed all by Iggy and James (apparently), once again they were bored and wanted to play new stuff.

It´s believed all the Olympic songs were played at the London show along with some 1971 songs like "Fresh Rag" and an early version of "Penetration" was apparently also played.

"You Pretty Face..." was attempted in rehearsal for the first 1973 show (it´s "Can´t turn You Loose") but was dropped. No others were.

Parts of "Rubber Legs" were turned into "Wet My Bed" and "Cry For Me/Pin Point Eyes" was a very good studio jam.

1973/1974 songs are mixed up alot on bootlegs. Because Iggy was often late appearing on stage he would just pick whatever he wanted with time contraints when he got there.

Hope that helps Smile
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Number of posts : 176
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2008-09-03

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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 10:32 pm

A few comments:

I don't think "Penetration" was played at King's Cross. I've not seen any mention of this. What is the source of the info?

1973-74 set lists were pretty much fixed, more so than many bootlegs seem to suggest. I once did a set list matrix (songs x gigs) and the similarity between gigs and progress/changes were obvious.

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G, F#, E
Real O Mind
G, F#, E

Number of posts : 2307
Age : 32
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2008-05-06

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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 5:53 pm

I can´t remember the source but I vividly remember hearing about an early version of "Penetration" being played at it, it was one of the few things DeFries was ok with.
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Ken Wood

Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2012-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 18, 2012 3:51 pm

pernil, did you ever publish your matrix online? I`d love to see it!
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PostSubject: Re: Early Setlists?   Early Setlists? Icon_minitime

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