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 Last Night At Max's, Review

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Petrie Terrace
"Flame On!"
Petrie Terrace

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Last Night At Max's, Review Empty
PostSubject: Last Night At Max's, Review   Last Night At Max's, Review Icon_minitimeSat Jan 09, 2010 11:46 pm

Google Books has added the complete run of Billboard Magazine to it's archive, here's one of three nice reviews/articles I've come across so far, others posted elsewhere. Take a look, who knows what you may find? Very Happy

Review of the final night at Max's Kansas City, from issue dated 25th August 1973, by Phil Gelormine. One of the most unintentionally hilarious, and spiteful, Stooges reviews you'll ever read. The near total lack of punctuation in the first paragraph is as written.

"The midnight performance was already 45 minutes late when the Stooges finally took the stage. Max's was unbearably packed and anticipation on this, Iggy's final night, was high. He looked older than expected, straight bleached blonde hair limp and bare chest glistening in the lights revealing the several stitches attained a few nights back when rolling across the stage he cut himself on several broken glasses hurled by audience members.

After witnessing his performance, it's a wonder more wasn't levied towards him. The wall of blazing music as dished out by the Stooges only served to deaden the senses while Mr. Pop, garbed in flap-studded bikini briefs with a nylon hose right leg, minced, writhed, contorted and pulled out every trick in his limited supply to get the confined crowd off it's hands. "You're a tough audience to crack," he snarled before giving us an ultimatum "Get up and leave or stay and hear more." Max's Sardine City unfortunately left us with no choice but to endure.

So away on his ego trip we continued. What vocals could be heard from him, comprised material from Columbia album "Raw Power." He also poured beer over his head, tossed the mike stand wrecklessly into the audience, put it between his legs and clutched the heads of ringsiders for support. Iggy Pop will be a star. "
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