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 Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences

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Registration date : 2009-05-16

Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences Empty
PostSubject: Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences   Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2015 5:53 pm

When i heard gimme danger ig and bowie version, so the vocal is sound like total diference. Diference voince timbre (ig vocal on 97mix sound like lou reed) and scream is diference too.

Is possibility, that 97 version is overdubed ? Or bowie is bad producent ?
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-09-29

Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences   Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences Icon_minitimeTue Oct 13, 2015 9:08 pm

stooges wrote:
When i heard gimme danger ig and bowie version, so the vocal is sound like total diference. Diference voince timbre (ig vocal on 97mix sound like lou reed) and scream is diference too.

Is possibility, that 97 version is overdubed ? Or bowie is bad producent ?

I think they just used a different vocal take and made a few more tweaks, most noticeably bringing the organ part more up front.
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Gimme danger Iggy vs Bowie mix - diferences
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