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 How I Met Iggy and Bowie

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2007-07-19

How I Met Iggy and Bowie Empty
PostSubject: How I Met Iggy and Bowie   How I Met Iggy and Bowie Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 8:52 am

Could I have ever dreamed that I would see Iggy Pop AND David Bowie play in small venues AND get their autographs after the shows? I still find it hard to believe but it happened in the fall of 1999.

After hearing a Bowie version of "Lust for Life" I figured I had to go out and get an Iggy Pop CD to find out more about this musical character who had such an intriguing role in Bowie's career. I loved Iggy Pop's music right from that first CD -- it took awhile to finally see him live but I finally got the chance at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles during his Avenue B tour.

I was right up by the stage when the show started and it was quite calm when Iggy came out and did his first two slow numbers. Then pure pandemonium broke out as he unleashed a rocking, ear-exploding "Habla Espanol". A near riot broke out in the theater. I feared being crushed alive and struggled to force my way back to a calmer section of the crowd. One of the best concerts I've ever seen.

Determined to get an autograph, I hung around an alley behind the theater for awhile. A couple other fans were there. There seemed to be a party going on backstage. Finally a police car pulled up to the curb. Iggy emerged in the alleyway, accompanied by a young lady and a minder who probably was his son. Iggy had had a few and was in pretty festive spirits. He signed autographs for us and made his way unsteadily to his car, which was going to get a police escort.

About a month later I was in New York, having improbably won a pass to an exclusive show Bowie was doing at the Kit Kat Club near Times Square to promote his new "hours" album. Another sensational show, another small theater, although no riot this time.

Another wait by a stage door, despite security telling us that Bowie had left the building. A friendlier security guy told us that Bowie was doing an interview inside. We caught a glimpse of him thru the open stage door. Then he emerged and the fans crushed forward towards the wooden barricade. Fortunately for me I was right in front and Bowie stopped to sign autographs just a foot or two from me. I got his signature on a CD single of his song "Thursday's Child". I had brought it along just in case. If I had thought I would have had a real chance for an autograph, I would have brought "Aladdin Sane" I suppose.

In over 20 years of being a Bowie fan, and having attended quite a few of his shows, that was the only chance I ever had at an autograph.

I would get an even better Iggy Pop signature on a photo a few years later after waiting 2 1/2 hours following a show he did in Scottsdale.

Seeing Bowie and Iggy Pop in small venues within a few weeks of each other? I'll never forget it.
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Street Walkin Cheetah

Number of posts : 1296
Age : 32
Location : Motor City
Registration date : 2007-03-05

How I Met Iggy and Bowie Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I Met Iggy and Bowie   How I Met Iggy and Bowie Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 9:53 am

did you get a recording of the el ray show ? or scottsdale show ? i know they exist Smile

cheers !
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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2007-07-19

How I Met Iggy and Bowie Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I Met Iggy and Bowie   How I Met Iggy and Bowie Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2008 6:05 pm

No, but I would love to have copies. Iggy Pop was in top form for both shows. In the Scottsdale show, I was right at the edge of the stage. Crowd was not as nuts as the LA audience had been. Iggy jumped off the stage right on top of me! You never know what might happen at an Iggy Pop show.
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Number of posts : 260
Registration date : 2008-02-20

How I Met Iggy and Bowie Empty
PostSubject: Re: How I Met Iggy and Bowie   How I Met Iggy and Bowie Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 8:20 pm

Hey Kurtz, you should check out my band, I have a feeling you will be impressed Surprised
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PostSubject: Re: How I Met Iggy and Bowie   How I Met Iggy and Bowie Icon_minitime

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How I Met Iggy and Bowie
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