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 Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book

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2 posters
Street Walkin Cheetah

Number of posts : 1296
Age : 32
Location : Motor City
Registration date : 2007-03-05

Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Empty
PostSubject: Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book   Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2007 1:41 am

Done wth chapter 1. let me know if anyones interested in seeing it... and how do i put a wordpad document on here, with its normal look, like font types etc ?
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Number of posts : 52
Registration date : 2007-03-13

Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book   Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2007 5:28 am

Sure. Fuck the formatting. Just post it.
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Street Walkin Cheetah

Number of posts : 1296
Age : 32
Location : Motor City
Registration date : 2007-03-05

Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Empty
PostSubject: Re: Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book   Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2007 6:07 am

ok, its not formatted in nice rich like it would be, but if i can get the rock iguanas gui's website to put it in his biography, then it will be there in nice rich formatting Smile

cheer's and let me know what u think everyone Smile


"Jesus Loves The Stooges" By: B.H.

Chapter 1 - The Band Forms

Way back in the day, before the "Sex Pistols" the "NY Dolls" or "The Ramones", There was a small clan of "Dum Dum Boy's" known as " Ron Asheton, Scott Asheton, Dave Alexander).

A high grade, respectful high school boy "James Osterburg"
a member(drummer) of a band known as "The Iguanas"
would change the aspect of music as a whole, by creating
"Punk Rock".

Gathering with these "Dum Dum Boy's",
would change all of their lifes,
making a band known as "THESTOOGES "

"THESTOOGES " were not even accepted as music,
they were a band ahead of their time,
and a band with a type of music with no ability to justify.

The band would do odd or unpresidented things with music,
like making their own sounds, such as sticking
the microphone inside a blender, at the end of shows.

But, their was more to this band, The frontman "Iggy Stooge"
was the oddest thing people had seen, this crazy eye glowing
animal, was an object of distruction onstage, who often frightened his
follower's or newcommers in the audience, while
grabbing young girl's by their hair, and doing things sexualy to them on stage. He also was always antaginizing members of the crowd, at each of his show's.

Calling them thing's like, "Cock Suckers" and "Ass lic's".
And doing thing's like, rolling in broken glass, smearing peanut butter, pouring hot candle wax on himself, falling flat on his chest,
slashing himself with carving knifes, and showing his cock onstage.

At show's in detroit, early 70's "Iggy" would often beat himself in the face with the microphone, while singing the song "Dirt".
One night in dertroit however, "Iggy's" manager insisted he not cause
any problems, or go apeshit on stage.

A few song's into the set, while "Iggy" was swinging his microphone cord around is neck, his manager had enough, he yanked the cord (to unwind from his neck) and stormed back off stage, "Iggy" then stopped the show for the night. he was very emontional.

He was then in the dressing room, full of people,
with his head down, saying " I never did anything to anyone,
I never tried to hurt anyone."

*- Book Comming for sale on Amazon in September, Contact for info, or more story.

Copyright's8 reserved to the author of this book.
Ilegal copying of this material, without writen
permission, could result in serious legal matters
and, material fraud,
For more info, Contact the writer.
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PostSubject: Re: Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book   Done with Chapter 1 of my Stooges Story/Book Icon_minitime

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