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 Easy Action (Iggy Box)

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Number of posts : 137
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-04-20

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2007 12:48 pm

Easy Action has a new Iggy box for preorder.-

please support this fine label. Prehaps one day they will release

these 'Stooges' live '70/71 recordings we keep hearing about.
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2007 12:17 pm

Hmmm, Idiot out-takes? How on earth have Easy Action managed to get hold of these? And what's the sonic quality like...?
But it's a good price for a stack of fine music - gets my vote.
Thanks for the info / link.
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Number of posts : 162
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 2:21 pm

I've been saying for years that there are outtakes from the idiot, many bands who recorded in the same studio a couple of years later would have the engineer make them listen to that. They were archived, but knowing easy action, it might just be some cassette bootleg remastered. Their stooges box set is straight rip of many official CDs already available out there for years, with just some shit remixes of rehearsals reels.
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2007-03-13

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 3:02 pm

seventeen wrote:
I've been saying for years that there are outtakes from the idiot, many bands who recorded in the same studio a couple of years later would have the engineer make them listen to that. They were archived, but knowing easy action, it might just be some cassette bootleg remastered. Their stooges box set is straight rip of many official CDs already available out there for years, with just some shit remixes of rehearsals reels.

Not true. The box set has stuff from the CBS masters and unbooted rehearsal tapes. Similar but not the same.
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Number of posts : 910
Age : 57
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-05-09

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 4:56 pm

Good point Barman - the Heavy Liquid set does contain some excellent never before booted material - the 1972 I Got A Right disc and the March 1973 rehearsal. Frankly it's worth getting this set just for these two discs.
But Seventeen is also correct in that most of the rest of 1973 rehearsal stuff has been issued before, mainly via Revenge in the late 1980s and early 1990s and the sound quality of this material is no different from the earlier issues.
Wouldn't it be great if someone could discover the actual master tapes of this stuff?
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Number of posts : 162
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 6:54 pm

"I'm sick of you" for example is the same needle drop taken from an old FGL CD complete with crackles (even if they denoised it to the death), I'm not saying it was 100% already issued, just that some parts were clearly remastered from other CDs.

They even almost put "Metallic KO" in there, before the copyright owner intervened Smile
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Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2007-03-13

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2007 1:30 pm

seventeen wrote:
"I'm sick of you" for example is the same needle drop taken from an old FGL CD complete with crackles (even if they denoised it to the death), I'm not saying it was 100% already issued, just that some parts were clearly remastered from other CDs.

They even almost put "Metallic KO" in there, before the copyright owner intervened Smile

Who would the copyright owner be, if not Iggy? He authorised the Easy Action stuff.
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Number of posts : 162
Registration date : 2007-03-10

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 28, 2007 4:28 pm

No Metallic KO is apparently owned by Skydog, they bought the tapes for an undisclosed sum years / decades ago. Easy Action first announced the same gigs as MKO on CD, then deleted that CD from the box.
Apparently the version on Bomp was licensed from the right owners (second show or first one complete). The rest of the outtakes is in murky territory, but it doesn't change the fact that some of those were taken from existing CDs (which is OK, it's good to have the best of it in one place plus some new outtakes).

However, I think all the mixes of the new outtakes, are low fidelity, and leave to be desired. I'm considering ordering the DVD, just to try to remix myself.
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Number of posts : 137
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-04-20

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2007 3:05 pm

Box set has been put back to september. So we will have to wait a bit longer for 'The Idiot' out-takes.
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heavy liquid
heavy liquid

Number of posts : 1320
Registration date : 2007-02-26

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2007 5:39 pm

I thought I saw this for sale ysterday?!?! confused

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Number of posts : 137
Location : Essex, UK
Registration date : 2007-04-20

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2007 8:50 pm

We'll just have to wait a little bit longer, Easy Action have a habit of doing this, but it will be worth the wait in the long run. All the other releases have been superb.

Where did you see it for sale?.

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heavy liquid
heavy liquid

Number of posts : 1320
Registration date : 2007-02-26

Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2007 8:57 pm

I'm not sure what it was called. But it was an Iggy box set.

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Easy Action (Iggy Box) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Easy Action (Iggy Box)   Easy Action (Iggy Box) Icon_minitime

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Easy Action (Iggy Box)
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