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 CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988

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Number of posts : 719
Location : Burke, VA
Registration date : 2007-02-26

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 5:02 am

OK, here it begins! Rather than use one single thread for every single version/release, let's talk about the individual releases in their own threads. Feel free to compare and contrast different versions/releases, but remember to compare and contrast those other versions to the version listed in the title. And as for the thread titles, let's try to keep it standardized:

MEDIA (CD/LP/CS): TITLE - Company - Catalog # - Year of Release

I think what I have here is the most widely available "Bowie Mix" CD release. I have seen some list this as a 1988 release, but according to the CBS discography listed at it's 1990. I'll start going by the forum members, though!

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Stooges-Raw_Power-CBS-CK32111-tray

Last edited by mg196 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Free & Freaky

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CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 5:23 am

I have this one.
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Number of posts : 417
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 10:54 am

i have this one too. I bought it in November 1988 and still have the receipt for it!
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Number of posts : 222
Location : Beatin' my brains with Luther Vandross
Registration date : 2009-02-26

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 11:18 am

So how's the sound on this one? Specifically, is Search the same mix as the cassette version posted in the Embassy thread, or is it the flatter-sounding, near-mono variant?
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Number of posts : 417
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 11:52 am

the 1988 CD and the cassette upload sound very similar apart from the fact the cd is very bright. Search is the same mix. The bass on the cassette upload can be heard more but its muddy. My choice on which one to listen to between the two would be to play the cd but turn the bass control up.
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Number of posts : 144
Registration date : 2009-09-06

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 11:59 am

There's no belch on this release.Gotta have the belch. pirat
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Number of posts : 417
Age : 66
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Registration date : 2009-06-02

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 12:34 pm

the raw power belch is on the cassette version i will be uploading...its also on the new legacy edition!
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Number of posts : 1786
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CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 1:23 pm

The Belch is on the European Essential CD ES005 from 89 - this is the only version I have.
Interesting that it's different from the Columbia 88 CD.

Anyone have both to compare other differences?
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Number of posts : 144
Registration date : 2009-09-06

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 2:11 pm

The euro version sounds a little better than the US,same mix though.

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Img010sl
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Number of posts : 144
Registration date : 2009-09-06

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 15, 2010 5:06 pm

The tracks on this release fade out too early/abruptely,worst RP cd version ever!
The new legacy edition is largely better,but don't expect some kinda revolution cause the mix is the same.
The good old bowie mix we all love/hate. farao
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Number of posts : 726
Location : a secret location in the Nevada desert
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CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 12:23 am

boogie wrote:
There's no belch on this release.Gotta have the belch. pirat

Most of the fade ins/outs are missing from the original cd. Another example, is the echo or reverb on James' guitar at the end of "Gimme Danger."
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Number of posts : 144
Location : London England UK
Registration date : 2010-03-23

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 9:59 am

Give up on all this trainspotter madness and listen to the remaster – it's a brilliant rendering of the mix and the only way to hear the album on CD, de facto. [insert banal smiling iconomoticon here]
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Number of posts : 719
Location : Burke, VA
Registration date : 2007-02-26

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 7:18 pm wrote:
Give up on all this trainspotter madness and listen to the remaster – it's a brilliant rendering of the mix and the only way to hear the album on CD, de facto. [insert banal smiling iconomoticon here]

Just waiting for mine to arrive! The most important thing is that I'll finally be able to part with this version.
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Number of posts : 144
Location : London England UK
Registration date : 2010-03-23

CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2010 10:29 pm

mg196 wrote: wrote:
Give up on all this trainspotter madness and listen to the remaster – it's a brilliant rendering of the mix and the only way to hear the album on CD, de facto. [insert banal smiling iconomoticon here]

Just waiting for mine to arrive! The most important thing is that I'll finally be able to part with this version.

Glad you took my silly comment in good humour! I couldn't wait and downloaded an mp3 to use until mine arrives.
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CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988   CD:  RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988 Icon_minitime

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CD: RAW POWER - CBS - CK32111 - 1988
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